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Join Our Team

Want to gain some leadership experience with a registered Non-profit organization? Are you interested in becoming an officer for The HOPE Concert? Fill out the form! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact us at

Current positions available:


Universal SSL hour opportunities (across all positions)

Attending a concert event

Setup time: 1 hour

Concert: 1 hour

Teardown time: 30 minutes

Total: 2 hours and 30 minutes (2.5 hours)

Other events

We will match SSL hours for the amount of time that you physically spend at the event including setup time, the actual event time itself, and clean-up time.

Will not likely exceed 3 hours per event.


Vice President

Creating a concert planning sheet  

Gathering information on all known performers (no more than 1 hour per planning sheet)

Planning out a time, date, and location (no more than 1 hour per planning sheet)

Total per planning sheet: 2 hours 

Writing grant applications

Meetings completed to brainstorm for grants (1 hour each meeting, no more than 3 hours total per grant)

Time spent writing the grant (no more than 3 hours total per grant)

Time spent submitting the grant (no more than 1 hour total per grant)

Total per grant: 7 hours



NO SSL hours will be given for writing meeting minutes for weekly board meetings/assigning tasks on Slack

Creating and maintaining the music tutoring schedule (1 hour every semester; there should be one new schedule created every semester)

PR Manager

Planning out the PR Schedule for the PR team 

Assigning each PR member to a specific task on a specific day, with a schedule that is made a month beforehand (2 hours) 

Creating the color coordination for each PR member (1 hour)

One schedule should be created every two months 

Total per schedule: 3 hours

- Important Participation Guidelines:

Supervision Requirements:
An adult nonprofit representative (who is not the student’s parent/guardian or relative) will provide direct supervision in any virtual space, including breakout sessions, for the entire session.


Parental Approval:
A student’s parent/guardian must provide our nonprofit with written approval of the student’s participation in the virtual platform prior to the student serving/volunteering.


Account Usage:
Students must use personal/private accounts (not MCPS student accounts) to engage in the virtual platform.


Direct Engagement:
Students will only engage with others under the direct supervision of a nonprofit supervisor, who will be directly present in the virtual space (including any breakout sessions) at all times.


Session Hosting:
The nonprofit supervisor will initiate and host all virtual sessions. If the nonprofit supervisor is not available to initiate and host the virtual session, the session will not occur.


Session Recording:
Virtual sessions will not be recorded.


Sharing of Media:
Students should not share or upload any videos, pictures, or images of themselves unless the nonprofit organization has obtained a signed form/waiver from the student’s parent/guardian authorizing permission/release.


Protection of Personal Information:
Students’ email addresses, home addresses, or any personally identifying information will remain protected and not shared.

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